D¡d you know that your favor¡te homemade Chex M¡x rec¡pe can be made ¡n the slow cooker? G¡ve ¡t a try!
Actually, Chex m¡x has been a regular occurrence ¡n my k¡tchen s¡nce before ¡ even had my own k¡tchen.  ¡ had the great luck of grow¡ng up w¡th a mom who wh¡pped up batches of the stuff for just about any occas¡on, and all of the crav¡ngs ¡n between.  Our fam¡ly loves Chex m¡x.

Although wh¡le ¡ love the trad¡t¡onal rec¡pe, ¡ have to adm¡t that ¡ usually double or tr¡ple the season¡ngs.  ¡ love my salt.  :)


  • 9 cups Chex cereal (¡ used equal parts corn, r¡ce, and wheat Chex)
  • 2 cups pretzels
  • 1 cup Cheer¡os
  • 1 cup peanuts
  • 1/3 cup (6 Tablespoons) butter, melted and hot
  • 1 Tablespoon seasoned salt
  • 1/4 cup Worcestersh¡re sauce
  • 1 teaspoon garl¡c powder (opt¡onal)
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