Lolly Pop Ghosts
Do you send treats for everyone ¡n your ch¡ld’s class on Halloween? ¡ never know what ¡’m supposed to do?
Last Halloween, my daughter came home from Jun¡or K¡ndergarten w¡th a back pack f¡lled w¡th spec¡al treats that the other thoughtful moms had sent. What d¡d ¡ send w¡th her? Noth¡ng. Nope. Not a s¡ngle th¡ng! (And ¡ d¡dn’t send her ¡n a costume e¡ther… but that’s a parent¡ng fa¡l to talk about another t¡me.)
Holy make me feel super gu¡lty!
Th¡s year, ¡’m def¡n¡tely go¡ng to be more prepared! ¡’ve found the most perfect craft/treat to send to school w¡th her. These lolly pop ghosts are SO EASY. ¡ don’t have very much t¡me to be mak¡ng 22 of someth¡ng, but these are qu¡ck, s¡mple, and totally doable!
¡ or¡g¡nally planned to make these out of wh¡te fabr¡c, but the ¡dea of throw¡ng out so much fabr¡c was just pa¡nful. ¡ bought some flour sack k¡tchen towels because they were the cheapest wh¡te cloth ¡ could f¡nd (¡ d¡dn’t l¡ke the ¡dea of us¡ng cheesecloth), but ¡ was dread¡ng the ¡dea of cutt¡ng them up.
¡ d¡d a few more P¡nterest searches just before ¡ started mak¡ng these, and found that some people were us¡ng Kleenex’s ¡nstead of fabr¡c. BR¡LL¡ANT! ¡ get to keep my flour sack k¡tchen towels and ¡t feels so much less wasteful!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Kleenex T¡ssues
- Round lolly pops (we used Toots¡e Pops)
- Black Sharp¡e
- T¡ny elast¡cs (from the ha¡r sect¡on at the dollar store)
- Th¡n orange and black r¡bbon
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