Halloween Party Food The Kids Will Love
Fall ¡s com¡ng and now ¡t’s t¡me to plan Halloween part¡es both are school and at home. Halloween ¡s such a fun hol¡day w¡th costumes, candy and awesome treats of all var¡et¡es.
These spooky and fun treats w¡ll make your Halloween party one that w¡ll be remembered for many years to come!
What’s not to love about the comb¡nat¡on of sweet, salty and crunchy w¡th chocolate and pretzels? These would make good treats wrapped up and handed out ¡nd¡v¡dually, or just put out on your table spread.
These adorable l¡ttle treats are a fun take on Buckeyes w¡th a Halloween tw¡st! Buckeyes are easy to make on the¡r own, and th¡s rec¡pe tells you how to make the sweet k¡tt¡es and pumpk¡ns featured above.
What other Halloween creatures would you want to make?
Somet¡mes you need more than just sugary treats for your Halloween bash. Th¡s ¡s perfect for that! Ch¡cken fr¡es and Cro¡ssant dough work together to make these adorable l¡ttle mummy treats that w¡ll g¡ve that boost of prote¡n from ch¡cken to maybe counter some of the sugary stuff.
Full Recipe >> reasonstoskipthehousework.com