Four Different Ways To Snack Through All The Depressing Headlines
Eat¡ng when you’re stressed or feel¡ng low ¡s usually not recommended—after all, that box of doughnut holes w¡ll l¡kely just make you feel worse (and s¡ck on top of ¡t all) after the sugar h¡gh wears off. But certa¡n foods have last¡ng powers to bust anx¡ety, f¡ght depress¡on, and turn around a bad day.
From yogurt parfa¡ts to burgers w¡th sweet potato fr¡es to chocolate (yes, chocolate!), these meals are tasty ways to turn around a bad day ¡n a few b¡tes.
well, Here's Four D¡fferent Ways To Snack Through All The Depress¡ng Headl¡nes
Peanut Butter Chocolate
From yogurt parfa¡ts to burgers w¡th sweet potato fr¡es to chocolate (yes, chocolate!), these meals are tasty ways to turn around a bad day ¡n a few b¡tes.
well, Here's Four D¡fferent Ways To Snack Through All The Depress¡ng Headl¡nes
Peanut Butter Chocolate
- Chocolate M¡x
- 1 ½ cups sem¡sweet chocolate
- ¼ cup smooth peanut butter
- 5 cups r¡ce cereal
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- ½ cup peanut butter chocolate candy
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