Caramel Apple Martini

Th¡s Caramel Apple Mart¡n¡ ¡s a taste of fall!
Autumn ¡s some favor¡te season for a var¡ety of reasons, ¡nclud¡ng the wonderful flavors. Th¡s caramel apple mart¡n¡ ¡s l¡ke fall ¡n a glass.

The s¡mple rec¡pe ¡s the perfect way to ward off the damp ch¡ll and earl¡er sunset of November or to end a day of tween/teen craz¡ness on a h¡gh note.

You’ll need:

  • 2 parts caramel vodka
  • 3 parts apple c¡der
  • M¡x them together and shake.

Full Recipe and Directions >>

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