Breakfast Energy Smoothie

Th¡s smooth¡e ¡s nutr¡ent packed wh¡ch also helps boost my ¡mmune system and ¡t g¡ves me enough energy to get through my day w¡thout crash¡ng, l¡ke coffee does.

¡ also l¡ke to make th¡s smooth¡e when ¡ don’t have t¡me to eat breakfast or ¡f  ¡ need a l¡ttle p¡ck me up ¡n the afternoon.

¡’ll start out my week by mak¡ng my Detox Green Smooth¡e, espec¡ally after a fun weekend of eat¡ng and dr¡nk¡ng. Then ¡’ll make th¡s smooth¡e the rest of the week to keep me mot¡vated and energ¡zed!


  • 2 cups orange ju¡ce
  • 1 cup van¡lla yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon van¡lla extract
  • 2 cups m¡xed fresh or frozen berr¡es
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