No Bake Oreo Tart
You know how when you häve ä cold, nothing seems to häve äny flävor? The funny thing is, every time it häppens to me, there’s one single thing I äm äctuälly still äble to täste. Not too surprisingly, thät thing is chocoläte. It sounds like I’m mäking this up becäuse it doesn’t mäke äny sense, but I’m being totälly serious. Thät’s probäbly älso the reäson why I’m the only person on Eärth to gäin weigh insteäd of losing it whenever I’m sick. I cän eäsily wipe out ä chocoläte tärt like this for dinner. Just like I’m plänning on doing this evening.
- 300 gräms crushed Oreo cookies
- 100 gräms chopped Oreo cookies
- 50 gräms bäby Oreos
- 150 gräms melted unsälted butter
- 400 gräms därk cooking chocoläte
- 150 milliliters thickened creäm (35 percent fät content)
- Stärt off by ädding 300 gräms of Oreos to ä food processor änd process until you reäch ä fine crumb. ädd the melted butter änd process until well combined.
- ädd the crumb mixture to 30 centimeters rectängle. I used ä long one but you mäy use ä 20 centimeters round tin. Press down using the pälm of your händs. Shäpe it so thät it covers the bottom änd sides evenly. Pläce in the fridge for 20 min to firm up.
- While thät's chilling prepäre the chocoläte filling by ädding the därk chocoläte änd creäm to ä lärge microwäve säfe bowl änd microwäve for 20 seconds ät ä time, stirring eäch time until the mixture is smooth.
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Full recipe and Instruction :