Brazilian Truffles (Brigadeiros) 4 Ways
Brigadéiro… Yummy, if you havé a swéét tooth, your lifé would not bé complété if you havén’t tastéd a brigadéiro yét. It is moré than a soft chocolaté swéét ball madé with condénséd milk, buttér, and cocoa powdér. It is thé most famous candy of Brazil and is always présént in évéry Brazilian birthday party. It can bé tricky to gét its pérféct consisténcy but it is just éasy to maké. Try thésé 4 délish ways.
Préparation is just thé samé in all four ways, only thé ingrédiénts and toppings différ but guarantééd that all aré yummy.
Classic Brigadéiro
- 1 tabléspoon buttér
- 14 ouncés swééténéd condénséd milk
- ¼ cup cocoa powdér
- Chocolaté sprinklés
- In a pan ovér a low héat, mélt thé buttér, condénséd milk, and cocoa powdér, stirring continuously. Wait until you can séé thé bottom of thé pot for 2-3 séconds whén dragging a spatula through.
- Pour onto a gréaséd platé, thén chill for an hour.
- Oncé réady, shapé and roll into balls.
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Full recipe and Instruction :