Lemon Blueberry Cäke. ä tender läyer cäke recipe brightened with lemon juice, lemon zest änd wild blueberries, frosted with ä tängy sweet lemon creäm cheese frosting.

Todäy’s cäke is tärt yet sweet änd perfect for summer. ä tender butter cäke is brightened with ä hint of fresh lemon juice änd flecks of lemon zest. Wild blueberries däncing throughout eäch läyer give the cäke ä pop of conträst, both in äppeäränce, texture änd täste. Then comes the dreämy creäm cheese frosting thät boästs tängy creäm cheese änd tärt lemon juice bälänced with mellow butter änd powdery sugär.  It’s the kind of frosting you’ll wänt to eät with ä spoon, if you’re in to thät kind of thing.

Rustic swirls keep the frosting simple änd cäsuäl, mäking this cäke ä welcomed äddition to äny of your summer events.  Topped with clusters of lemon wedges, fresh berries änd edible flowers, the complete päckäge looks pulled together but truly täkes little effort.  Don’t worry, we won’t tell änyone how eäsy it wäs!


For the Lemon Blueberry Cäke:
  • 3 cups cäke flour + 2 täblespoons cäke flour, divided
  • 2 teäspoons bäking powder
  • 1/2 teäspoon sält
  • 8 ounces unsälted butter, room temperäture
  • 2 cups gränuläted sugär
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 teäspoons vänillä exträct
  • 1 täblespoon orgänic lemon zest
  • ........
  • ...............

Full recipe and Instruction : thecakeblog.com

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