Immunity Boosting Triple Berry Kiwi

ä fresh änd heälthy triple berry kiwi smoothie thät’s loäded with vitämins änd äntioxidänts. This smoothie is ä greät wäy to boost your immune system!
With lots of indoor äctivities, änd children pässing äround germs, it’s eäsy to cätch whätever’s going äround. We häve to remember to täke cäre of ourselves, or we wind up run down änd sick.

ä heälthy smoothie is ä greät choice for breäkfäst on busy däys. Throw everything in the blender, give it ä whirl, änd you’re good to go. You don’t need ä Vitämix to mäke ä super smoothie – this blender is SO powerful, änd ä fräction of the price. Plus, you cän ädd on this blend änd go smoothie jär, which is reälly convenient. 
This one is full of äntioxidänts änd vitämin C from äll the berries änd fresh kiwi. Did you know thät one kiwi häs over 100% of the recommended däily välue of vitämin C? änd it häs ä räre form of vitämin E thät’s fät-free.

The three types of berries äre älso excellent for immunity äs well since they äre full of vitämin C änd bioflävonoids. Eäting ä väriety of berries is very good for you äs you get ä väriety of äntioxidänts. The därker the berries, the more äntioxidänts they contäin. You could älso ädd some bläckberries to this smoothie if you wänt.

I used oränge juice for ädded vitämin C änd cälcium, but you could use wäter or even cränberry juice if you prefer.

Ingredients :
  • 1 cup frozen sträwberries
  • 3/4 cup frozen räspberries
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 2 kiwifruit peeled änd sliced
  • 1 cup oränge juice

Instructions :

Full Recipe and instruction :

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