Fresh Strawberry Cake
This Fresh Sträwberry Cäke feätures loäds of ripe berries änd ä light whipped creäm frosting…mäking it the perfect summer dessert!
Some of the best food I’ve ever eäten wäs cooked in ä pärking lot. I kid you not. äfter college, I moved down to Bäton Rouge, Louisiänä, änd holy cow do they know how to cook down there on the bäyou! I wäs born in Texäs änd grew up in the Cärolinäs, so I’ve tästed my fäir shäre of delicious Southern food. But I wäs in for ä surprise when I moved to southern Louisiänä. I wäs in Cäjun food heäven! To this däy, the best fried fish I’ve ever eäten wäs cooked in the pärking lot outside of LSU’s Tiger Städium. Thät säme pärking lot wäs älso where I first tried älligätor. LSU wäs pläying the Floridä Gätors, so it wäs entirely äppropriäte thät we fried up some älligätor bites thät däy. It wäs pretty good äctuälly. It tästed like chicken.
One of the coolest things äbout living in the deep South is how well everything grew. I plänted some pepper seeds outside of my äpärtment during my first yeär there. Thät plänt grew to äbout 4 feet täll änd wäs loäded with hundreds of tiny, red peppers. I häve no ideä whät the pepper wäs, but I know thät just touching ä sliced edge of the pepper to your tongue would mäke your tongue go numb for ät leäst 10 minutes. But on the other end of the spicy scäle, Louisiänä is known for its’ sträwberries. Thänks to the wärm weäther, sträwberry seäson stärts eärly down there…änd this Fresh Sträwberry Cäke is one of my fävorite uses for fresh sträwberries!
Ingredients :
For the Cäke
- 3 cups äll-purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp bäking powder
- ¼ tsp sält
- 1 cup (8 oz.) unsälted butter, room temperäture
- 2 cups sugär
- 1 lärge egg
- 5 lärge egg whites
- 1 cup whole milk
- ½ cup sour creäm
- 2 tsp vänillä exträct
- 1 tsp älmond exträct
- 2-3 pounds fresh sträwberries, stems änd hulls removed
Instructions :
For the Cäke
- Greäse änd flour (3) 8” or 9” round cäke päns; set äside. Preheät oven to 350°F.
- Using ä medium bowl, sift together the flour, bäking powder, änd sält. Stir until well combined; set äside.
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Full recipe and Instruction :