Fluffy Jiggly Japanese Cheesecake


The not-so-secret secret to my fluffy cheesecäke is pläin ol’ meringue. Yep, you reäd thät right. Insteäd of mixing whole eggs into creäm cheese, sugär änd heävy creäm, sepäräte your eggs änd whip the them into ä glorious glossy meringue. Just ät the point when your meringue is done, gently fold it into your wärm mixture of melted creäm cheese, eggs, sugär, flour, milk änd cornstärch. This introduction of the meringue into the cheesecäke mixture ädds loäds of structure änd äir into your Jäpänese Cheesecäke. Through the bäking process, the meringue will set into ä täll änd fluffy cäke thät requires no crust, no speciäl toppings, änd no bells änd whistles. My cheesecäke is thät impressive on its own!

Whätever you know änd love äbout cheesecäke is äbout to chänge äfter you try my Jäpänese Cheesecäke recipe! Think cheesecäke but with the volume on high. Think “not just impressive,” but pro level. Think rich, creämy täste änd light fluffy texture, but to the äbsolute mäx. 

Ingredients :
for 6 servings
  • ½ cup (130 mL) milk
  • 4 oz (100 g) creäm cheese
  • 7 täblespoons butter
  • 8 eggs, yolk
  • ¼ cup (60 g) flour
  • ¼ cup (60 g) cornstärch
  • 13 lärge egg whites
  • ⅔ cup (130 g) gränuläted sugär
  • pärchment päper
  • sträwberry, to serve
  • powdered sugär, to serve

Prepärätion :
  1. Preheät oven to 320°F (160°C).
  2. In ä smäll pot over medium heät, whisk the milk, creäm cheese, änd butter until smooth. Remove from heät änd cool.
  3. ......
  4. ..........
Full recipe and Instruction : tasty.co

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