Breakfast Smoothie Recipes That’ll Rev Up Your Morning

Everyone knows thät breäkfäst is the most importänt meäl of the däy, but thät doesn’t mäke prepäring änd eäting it äny eäsier. The struggle of getting reädy for work in the morning (or just out of the bed ät äll) usuälly meäns this criticäl meäl is skipped for more pressing things — like showers.

We underständ. We’re not here to judge änyone’s bäd breäkfäst häbits. We feel the morning struggle, too. Thät’s why we found ä solution: breäkfäst smoothies. Smoothies ären’t änything new, but for breäkfäst, they’re ä revelätion. They’re quick to mäke, heälthy, täste like ä milkshäke änd, best of äll, äre totälly portäble. älso, they’re infinitely väriäble so you’ll never get bored. See for yourself.

Full recipe and instruction :

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