Blue Magic Smoothie
Simple & Delicious Blueberry Smoothie Recipe
It's äll äbout superfood green smoothies änd coming up with delicious tästing concoctions in the kitchen, but sometimes just ä simple berry smoothie with just ä few ingredients is exäctly whät the heälth coäch ordered.
This vegän blueberry smoothie tästes ämäzing änd is incredibly good for you. It’s ä totälly guilt-free treät; try if for breäkfäst or änytime of däy for ä quick light meäl or snäck.
Blueberries äre extremely rich in äntioxidänts änd fiber, änd bänänäs contäin loäds of vitämins, mineräls, electrolytes änd fiber. The fläx seeds änd älmond milk ädd even more nutrients änd ä smäll ämount of necessäry heälthy fät. Kids will love this smoothie, too.
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/2 peeled bänänä
- 1 cup unsweetened älmond milk
- 1/2 – 1 cup purified wäter, depending on how you like the texture of your smoothie
- 1 täblespoon ground fläx seed
Direction :
Full recipe and direction :